Business Resolutions for 2019

By now, a month into the new year, a vast majority of people have given up on their New Year’s resolutions. Whether those resolutions were unrealistic or over-ambitious, or because there’s no real motivation to stick to them, there’s always a reason why we tend to lose our resolve.

But it’s never too late to get back on track to set some positive goals for the new year, especially when it comes to your business. As we reflected over the past year and thought about the year ahead, we came up with the following five business resolutions for 2019. If you can see these through – even if it’s just one or two – you and your business will be in a better place by the time December rolls around.

Join us in resolving to make this year your best year ever!

Remember Your People: This should be at the top of your list every year. Your organization is only as good as your people. You need to make sure you’re taking care of them, and that includes ensuring they’re getting the proper training. One area where training is critical, especially from our perspective at Focus Data Solutions, is security. A 2017 Verizon Data Breach Report stated that 90% of successful network breaches were caused by user error.  Help your staff help you by investing in their security training. 

Review and Test Your Disaster Recovery Plan: It never hurts to be prepared. What if fire consumed your server room? What if the local power grid was shut down for a
week? What if Snowmaggedon II blanketed us for days? How would you and your staff get to your data? Document what you think would happen, all the worst-case scenarios, and then test your plan.

Improve Your Company Productivity: Pick one area where your business loses time due to hardware of software issues, and then fix it. Standardize the Microsoft Office
version your business uses. Buy that additional Quickbooks’ licenses so your staff doesn’t need to wait for someone else to exit the application before they can get their
work done. A small investment today to make your staff more productive – and make their jobs a little easier – and help you go farther in less time.

Retire and Recycle Your Old Technology: Not only is it good for your books, but it removes the temptation of reintroducing yesterday’s technology back into your workforce. Retire and replace your older workstations. Replace that tired printer that seems to always need repair. Similar to Resolution #3 above, the investment in swapping out the old gear with new and improved technology will improve your efficiency.

Unplug!: I absolutely love computers, but sometimes it is just refreshing to turn them off and do something else. Reconnect with family, go to a sporting event, play chess, or
read a book by the fire. Computer time consumes us every day, so we need to unplug and recharge. This applies to your staff too and is in keeping with resolution #1.

Focus Data Solutions is ready to help you match your business goals (or resolutions) with the right technology and management processes. For more information, contact us