Not an Option – Layers of IT Network Security are Essential

Small Business IT Network Security: It’s Not Just About the Firewall

We will never talk about this enough. Network security is not an “optional” service. Sadly, many small businesses cut corners in the security arena to save money. The common refrain we hear is “We’re so small. No one will pay attention to us.” WRONG. This is so, very, very wrong.

According to a 2019 Verizon study, 43% of cyber breaches occurred within small businesses.

It’s a new decade and a new year!  Focus Data Solutions is declaring this year “IT Security 2020.” What is “IT Security 2020?” It’s a Focus Data Solutions declaration that we will promote and encourage IT security and safety throughout 2020. Our goal is simple. Convince all our clients, potential clients, friends, acquaintances and the person on the street, that security is not optional.

Secure networks begin with a set of “basics.” This includes a router, a firewall, a backup solution, a malware service, spam filtering, and some security protocols to cover human foibles. This security backbone provides a first line layer of defense.

The next, proactive phase of a network security plan includes the addition of a cyber-threat monitoring system. This system looks for suspicious patterns in your business transmissions. If a potential threat is identified, the system can shut down traffic to your network to halt the attack. This system can be installed on separate computers so that remote and traveling employees are protected. Cyber threat monitoring systems include vulnerability scanning and user behavior analytics to help identify weaknesses in your network and provide insights into your employees’ security practices. This feature also helps to identify what staff training is needed to teach your employees how to keep the IT network and data secure.

As a company, we are suggesting, – better said, pleading with – our clients to add this service to their portfolios in 2020. This type of monitoring is no longer an “extra”, but a needed tool in the battle against cybercrime and the war to protect data, networks, and small businesses.

Our team will highlight a network security issue each month of 2020. We encourage you to review these articles with your IT provider to determine if you are proactively protecting your network.